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About us


We are Eléa Kroes and Megan Kroes, mother and daughter. Together, we run the kennel My Spotted Heart Dream, located on a residential farm in Dronten, the Netherlands.


From a young age, it was Megan's dream to breed Dalmatians. In the meantime, the whole family has caught the “spotty” virus, and in March 2022, our first litter was born! Our dear Mae gave birth to 9 beautiful puppies! And she is such a fantastic mother!


We are very active with our dogs and love taking them out in nature. While we are fond of exploring the woods, our favourite spots are the beach and the dunes. We also happily participate in training sessions and courses with and about our dogs.


We find it important and enjoyable to stay informed about domestic and international news regarding the Dalmatian, and therefore, we are members of various associations. In the Netherlands, we are members of DCN (Dalmatiër Club Nederland) and NCDH (Nederlandse Club voor Dalmatische Honden). Abroad, we are members of Dansk Dalmatiner Klub, DZGD (Dalmatiner Zucht Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V.) and KBCDH-CRBD (Koninklijke Belgische Club voor Dalmatische Honden).


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